Friday, May 25, 2007

hardwired to succeed

So my trusty ol' kitchen timer, which I've been using as an alarm clock for the past four-odd years, finally died last week. Well, it didn't DIE. It can still count off minutes and hours, but it just doesn't beep when time's up anymore. This renders it rather useless as an alarm clock, unfortunately.

I haven't replaced it yet, partly because I'm too stubborn to pay $5 for an actual alarm clock, and partly because I'm in mourning for the kitchen timer (my enemy, my friend. Ah, the times we've had, negotiating an extra five minutes).

Miraculously, though, I've woken up on time every day this week. As the sun starts to come up around 6, my sleep gets lighter and lighter. By 6:30, without fail, I am awake (though in denial, since I don't have to get up until 7). This circadian rhythm thing is pretty cool.

Chalk another one up for trusting one's body.

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