Thursday, November 1, 2007
So the lids on most of the take-away cups of coffee are all the same. At least, at all the coffee establishments I patronize. They're not the idiot-proof Solo lids that are sort of raised and have an existing hole for you to sip out of. These are flat, and you have to tear away a flap and fold it back to make a drinking hole. These lids have been the bane of my existence for, oh, about a year now, because the damn flap won't stay open. There's a rim on the lid, and there's a corresponding valley-like area to accommodate the rim when the flap is folded back. You would think that the valley-like area would snugly hold the rim and keep it from flopping on your nose when you drink, right? Right. Well, it doesn't work like that. The valley-like area just doesn't secure the flap, and you have to hold a finger over the flap while you drink, lest you get coffee dribbles and condensation on the bridge of your nose as you sip. Irritating!
So - in my post-Halloween exhausted stupor - I took some time to study the engineering of the lid before opening the tab. Normally I couldn't be bothered to study a coffee lid, but I'm kind of spacey right now, y'know? Well, I've figured it out. There a NIB. THERE'S A FUCKING NIB. I've been pressing the coffee lid flap in the wrong place (by the rim and the valley-like area) this whole time, and of course none of the pressure applied goes to the nib. If you press the flap at the other end, close to where it hinges with the lid, you can pop the nib into a snug little nib-shaped hole, and VOILA! The FLAP STAYS OPEN!
Now, if I only I could train my baristas to stop giving me my coffee in a bag, this city would be perfect.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Mr. Bento

Originally uploaded by trappedinabay.
I've joined the Mr. Bento Porn pool on Flickr. It's great fun, and an excellent exercise in mindful eating over indiscriminate munching. This container, just slightly bigger than a thermos, holds perfect portions of wonderful treats.
Today I couldn't wait until lunchtime. It was all gone by 10:30. :(

Why yes, yes it is.
(Laughing my ass off over here.)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
...I kinda wish I was invited.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A bunch of furniture was delivered from Ikea on Friday, and Frank spent most of the day assembling it. Three bookcases for his records (which are now off the floor, and the ugly mail crates are gone, hooray), two bookcases for books, a bookcase for dvds, and a little stand for the tv and dvd player. Yesterday after the mover guys were done, we took the big Penske truck to the mall so we could pick up some stuff at Bed Bath & Beyond and then buy a giant bag of cat food and several boxes of litter at Target. Lugging cat litter in the city might be my least favorite chore.
The kitties are shut up in the bedroom with a litter box & food & water, and so far they seem uninterested in trying to get out. They spent most of the day hiding under the bed, as expected, but now they're starting to explore a little bit. Bruce - Frank's cat - has been camped out by the bedroom door, watching for his chance to sneak in. He's been sniffing at the cracks and meowing, and both Agape and Walter have sniffed at Bruce through the door. Apparently you're supposed to let the cats smell each other and get used to each other's scents before you introduce them face-to-face. So we'll probably keep the girls in the room for another few days at least.
The apartment is basically a disaster area - boxes and bags of stuff all over the place, with narrow aisles so you can get from one room to another. But I'm too tired to really do much about it just yet. My major project for the afternoon will be to unpack my clothes and get them squared away. After that, it's all just books and kitchen stuff and miscellaneous crap.
Bruce, by the way, chewed a hole in the bottom of the giant bag of cat food. The little shit.
A bunch of furniture was delivered from Ikea on Friday, and Frank spent most of the day assembling it. Three bookcases for his records (which are now off the floor, and the ugly mail crates are gone, hooray), two bookcases for books, a bookcase for dvds, and a little stand for the tv and dvd player. Yesterday after the mover guys were done, we took the big Penske truck to the mall so we could pick up some stuff at Bed Bath & Beyond and then buy a giant bag of cat food and several boxes of litter at Target. Lugging cat litter in the city might be my least favorite chore.
The kitties are shut up in the bedroom with a litter box & food & water, and so far they seem uninterested in trying to get out. They spent most of the day hiding under the bed, as expected, but now they're starting to explore a little bit. Bruce - Frank's cat - has been camped out by the bedroom door, watching for his chance to sneak in. He's been sniffing at the cracks and meowing, and both Agape and Walter have sniffed at Bruce through the door. Apparently you're supposed to let the cats smell each other and get used to each other's scents before you introduce them face-to-face. So we'll probably keep the girls in the room for another few days at least.
The apartment is basically a disaster area - boxes and bags of stuff all over the place, with narrow aisles so you can get from one room to another. But I'm too tired to really do much about it just yet. My major project for the afternoon will be to unpack my clothes and get them squared away. After that, it's all just books and kitchen stuff and miscellaneous crap.
Bruce, by the way, chewed a hole in the bottom of the giant bag of cat food. The little shit.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My roommate's patience with the chaos is wearing thin, but she can stuff it. [Have I told you that she throws a fit if you leave anything - anything - on the coffee table? She's a nut.]
On Friday, the new furniture from Ikea will be delivered to Frank's apartment. In flat boxes. Needing to be assembled. I kind of hate assembling furniture.
Saturday morning, I'm picking up a rental truck, but the truck rental place is nowhere near a subway stop, so in order to get there, I'll have to call a car service. (As someone who used to have a car, it drives me nuts to have to call a car so that I can rent a truck.)
Sometime after that, the moving dudes should arrive to take care of the heavy lifting.
On Thursday, or maybe on Sunday, some lady from Craigslist is coming by my place to inspect and hopefully purchase my enormous stereo that I never use.
Somewhere in this whole process - not sure when - we're going to move my kitties and begin introducing them to Frank's kitty. Hopefully they'll like each other, or at least not try to kill each other and destroy the apartment in the process.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Against my better judgment, I went to see Ben Kweller last night. That was a bad idea. Not only is Ben Kweller a self-important hipster twatwaffle, but Southpaw (the venue) is a miserable, sweltering hellhole. The show was sold out, and there were probably 300 people crammed into the space that 100 people could occupy comfortably. AND THERE WAS NO AIR CONDITIONING. IN JULY. JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE. If I hadn't had the foresight to bring my Chinese fan, I wouldn't have survived. As it was, it wasn't pretty. I sweat in places I didn't even know I had sweat glands.
Anyway, he was performing Sha Sha, an album that I briefly liked several years ago. I originally thought that I liked the idea of an artist performing an album live. I was mistaken. It's boring and predictable. If I wanted to hear an album, I would sit on my couch in comfort and air conditioning, or dance around my room in my underwear and air conditioning.

The good news is that even in a rumpled, sweaty state, I'm cute. No fewer than two (2) dudes struck up conversations with me on the train. I'm a hot (get it? get it?) commodity.
In the wonderful movie The Gods Must Be Crazy II, which should be required viewing for all, there's a scene where a man encounters a vicious badger-like beast that decides it wants his boot. "Once they latch on, they don't let go!" he tells his companion as he runs. But he's not quick enough, and the badger (which Frank discovered is a ratel, or a honey badger) catches his boot and clamps on, growling. After dragging the badger for a while, he manages to shake it loose, but the badger is tenacious. It follows the man through the desert, huffing and growling and waddling after him for miles. It's just about the funniest thing ever.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bat for Lashes is the stage name of Natasha Khan, the dark-haired, half-Pakistani girl in front, and those other chicks are her friends/band. They were amazing. They have all sorts of interesting percussion instruments, complicated and shiny costumes, and incredible harmonies. I. Am. In. Love. RIYL: Bjork, Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Rasputina
Also, I'm certain that Moby was there last night, but alas, I have no proof.
This video is said to be a tribute to Donnie Darko, one of Natasha's favorite movies, and I can definitely see it. It's worth watching, if you haven't seen it before - dudes with animal masks and hoodies doing jumps on bikes. Vaguely creepy.
What's a Girl to Do
Bjork had better step up her game - there's a new elf in town.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Have you ever read Chuck Palahniuk's story, Guts? This is that story in real life.
(warning: really gross)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Yeah, sterilize those sidewalks.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
- Big Apple BBQ Block Party
- Gotham Girls Roller Derby
- NYPD Vintage Police Car Show
- Mercedes Sosa
- Walking past P. Diddy as some big-breasted chick confronted him about stealing her cab. (He surrendered the cab and hailed a rickshaw.)
Big Apple Barbeque

I approve.

This is a freakin' VAT of Brunswick stew, being stirred with freakin' OARS.

Yum yum yum yum yum!
Around town

I know it's old news, but this is the first time I've had my camera with me when I encountered one of these.

My inner 12-year-old thinks this is hilarious.

Dude, there are some totally gnarly waves on the F train.

A sign on the Upper East Side.

The "garden" in question. I lolled! New York is funny.
Mercedes Sosa

See that wee little speck of red? That's Mercedes Sosa (aka, the Nina Simone of South America), as seen from the very last row on the very top balcony of the NY City Center.
NYPD Vintage Police Car Show

Gotham Girls Roller Derby: Queens of Pain vs. Bronx Gridlock

Monday, June 4, 2007
I have a dentist appointment today. Looming. I've been dreading it for two solid weeks. And everything in the universe has been pointing to it: Ben talking about dentists, Josh talking about dentists, junk emails trying to sell me dental insurance, billboards advertising floss, instore promotions for White Strips...
Friday, June 1, 2007
Unique up on it.
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
Tame way, unique up on it.
In other news, I have been totally kicking ass at getting things done. The sensation is almost exactly like lining up rubber duckies on the edge of a bathtub and flicking them into the water, one after the other.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Naturally, this freaked ME out, so I grabbed the closest weapon (a book) and turned on all the lights, quickly replacing the book with a hammer (I had been hammering things in my bedroom earlier in the day). Brandishing the hammer, I looked for an intruder, but found none. I double-checked the locks on the door and made sure that the windows were secure.
I finally calmed down enough to go back to bed, but Agape and Walter were still on red alert. Their fur had gone back to normal, Walter wasn't growling anymore, and Agape's growls had subsided to an occasional rumble. Neither one showed the slightest inclination to leave the bed or approach the edges. They both continued to stare intensely at specific points in the room; Agape at the foot of the bed, and Walter at the doorway. What freaked me out the most was when Walter's gaze began to travel slowly across the room, and as her focal point crossed Agape's focal point, Agape's stare flickered to Walter's focal point for a moment, and she growled.
Gradually they chilled out, and I was finally able to fall asleep again around 5. This morning they acted like nothing had happened.
Me: Pick up kitten, deposit into still-wet-from-shower tub.
Walter: Hop out! Stare up at Andrea, say, "Mrroww."
Me: Pick up kitten, deposit into still-wet-from shower tub.
Walter: Hop out. "Mrrrow!"
Me: Pick up kitten, deposit into still-wet-from-shower tub.
Walter: Hop out. "Mmmr. Row!"
And so on and so forth, for several more iterations, until bored. Really, what are kittens for, if not this?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
the world is not my oyster
Having infinite faith in the power of large amounts of Drano, I went out and purchased some. I lugged the nasty chemicals up my stairs, poured them slowly over where I think the drain is, and sat back to wait. Actually, I went to see a movie, having full faith that my tub would be empty and bone dry by the time I got back. Not so. Now it's just a tub full of water and chemicals.
Thinking if I could bail out some of the water, I'd discover the problem, I started transferring water from the tub to the bathroom sink and the kitchen sink. It drained away slowly, and it seemed like I was making some headway, but then I noticed that water was bubbling back up into the tub from the drain. So, it would seem that my kitchen and bathroom sinks are connected to the tub, and that they're all clogged. Terrific.
So this morning, I had to get up extra early and go to the boyfriend's apartment to shower. This is not a convenient arrangement.
In a fit of idiocy (uncaffeinated distraction?), I left my cellphone at the boyfriend's apartment. Clearly, this thing has me frazzled. I don't know my landlord's number - I programmed it into the phone and promptly forgot it - so I can't call him. I sent him an email instead (using lots of extraneous punctuation and capitalization, to emphasize the direness of the situation), and I hope he checks his email this morning. Best-case scenario, he'll call a plumber and my tub will be empty and bone dry by tonight. But, since I'm in a glass-is-half-empty kind of mood, I'm inclined to think that the situation won't be easily resolved, and I'm going to have to shower at the boyfriend's again tomorrow morning (because I'm certainly not going to work unshowered in this heat, echh). This puts a serious crimp in my plans for the evening. Can I stay out late and get up early? I'm not Superwoman, you know.
Amanda, my gunshot-victim friend, was an IRS operative at the time. Whenever a former president dies, government employees get the day off. After finding that out, she started rooting for Carter to kick it.
after that the floodgates opened up, and I fell in love with everyone I saw
Anyway, this particular semi-mountainous stretch of the Turnpike is surrounded by trees. It's like Babe and Paul Bunyan just tore through the forest to make a road. It would be a very beautiful part of the highway, except that the first few rows of trees bordering the Turnpike are all dead, grey things from bearing the brunt of exposure to exhaust. These trees are martyrs.
Friday, May 25, 2007
hardwired to succeed
I haven't replaced it yet, partly because I'm too stubborn to pay $5 for an actual alarm clock, and partly because I'm in mourning for the kitchen timer (my enemy, my friend. Ah, the times we've had, negotiating an extra five minutes).
Miraculously, though, I've woken up on time every day this week. As the sun starts to come up around 6, my sleep gets lighter and lighter. By 6:30, without fail, I am awake (though in denial, since I don't have to get up until 7). This circadian rhythm thing is pretty cool.
Chalk another one up for trusting one's body.
Google in Elmer Fudd.
Google in Esperanto.
Google in Hacker.
Google in Klingon.
Google in Pig Latin.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
it's going to be a busy summer in New York...
26 - Saturday - Brooklyn Bridge walking tour, 1 p.m., $12
28 - Monday - Manhattanhenge, sundown, any east-west street, free
1 - Friday - Animal Collective, 7 p.m., South Street Seaport Pier 17, free!
1-3 - Fri-Sun - Feast of Anthony of Giovinazzo, Mulberry St. between Broome and Spring
3 - Sunday - 2nd Avenue Street fair, 2nd Ave from 66th to 86th St.
5 - Tuesday - Shakespeare in the Park starts! Romeo & Juliet, free, 7 p.m. - Rufus Wainwright @ Blender Theater at Gramcery, 8 p.m., $40 - The Pipettes & Smoosh, Highline Ballroom, $16, 9 p.m.
7 - Thursday - Basement Bhangra @ SOBs, 200 Varick St. near Houston, $5 before 8 p.m., free mojitos 7-8 p.m.
9 - Saturday - Annual Vintage Police Car Show, NYPD Museum, 100 Old Slip Rd., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., free
9-10 - Sat & Sun - Big Apple BBQ Block Party, Madison Ave. from 23rd to 26th St.
12 - Tuesday - Museum Mile Festival, 5th Ave. from 82nd to 105th St.
Stevie Nicks & Chris Isaak @ PNC Bank Arts Center, 8 p.m., $25
15 - Saturday - Apples in Stereo - Central Park - free!
18 - Monday - Annie Hall showing in Bryant Park ~ 7 p.m. - free!
20 - Wednesday - Peaches @ Highline Ballroom, 10 p.m., $30
23 - Saturday - Mermaid Parade in Coney Island - Pride Fest, 8th Ave. from 14th St. to 23rd St.
25 - Monday - (Andrea's birthday!) - The Thing From Another World playing in Bryant Park (free!) - Wilco & Low @ Hammerstein Ballroom, 311 W. 34th St., $37
30 - Saturday - Morrissey @ Madison Square Garden, $35
1 - Sunday - Walking Tour: Dutch New Amsterdam, 1 to 3 p.m.
2 - Monday - Paper Moon showing in Bryant Park, free!
4 - Wednesday - New Pornographers, 3:30 p.m., Battery Park, free! - Macy's 4th of July Fireworks @ South Street Seaport, 9 p.m.
5 - Thursday - Basement Bhangra, SOBs on Varick near Houston, $5 before 8 p.m.
6 - Friday - Morrissey @ PNC Bank Arts Center, $25, Holmdell NJ
9 - Monday - Wait Until Dark playing in Bryant Park; free!
11 - Wednesday - Spoon, Rockefeller Park, 7 p.m., free!
12 - Thursday - Gin Blossoms - B.B. King's Blues Club, 8 p.m., $22
16 - Monday - The Decemberists, Central Park Summerstage, 6:30 p.m. $30
18 - Wednesday - Ani DiFranco @ Prospect Park, 7:30,. $37
20 - Friday - Meatloaf @ Madison Square Garden
21 - Saturday - Siren Festival, Coney Island
23 - Monday - The Sting playing at Bryant Park
28 - Saturday - The Roots @ Randall's Island
30 - Monday - All the King's Men playing at Bryant Park
1 - Wednesday - The Police @ Madison Square Garden, $55
2 - Thursday - Negativland, 7 p.m., $20
3 - Friday - Billie Holiday remixes, South Street Seaport Pier 17, 7 p.m., free
4 - Monday - Bus Stop playing at Bryant Park
5 - Tuesday - Shakespeare in the Park - Midsummer Night's Dream starts! free - Al Green @ Madison Square Garden
7 - Thursday - Daft Punk, The Rapture @ Coney Island, $50
10 - Friday - Celebrate Brooklyn Festival - Bollywood in Brooklyn
11 - Saturday - Dramatic Reading and Boat Ride, 12 to 1 p.m.
12 - Sunday - Diamanda Galas
13 - Monday - Casablanca playing in Bryant Park
20 - Monday - Psycho playing in Bryant Park
24 - Friday - Camera Obscura @ South Street Seaport -free!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Called "sea locusts" by ancient Assyrians, and now sometimes referred to as "thumb splitters" by modern divers — because of the relative ease the creature has in mutilating small appendages — mantis shrimp sport powerful claws, formed like jackknives, that they use to attack and kill prey by spearing, stunning or dismemberment. Some pet mantis shrimp have managed to break through their double-paned aquarium glass with a single strike from this weapon.Man, am I glad these things live at the bottom of the sea and aren't scuttling around Central Park. I'd hate to come across one in a dark alley.
Around 400 species of mantis shrimp have currently been described worldwide, which are commonly separated into two distinct groups determined by the manner of claws they possess:
- Spearers are armed with spiny appendages topped with barbed tips, used to stab and snag prey and some have a blunt, calcified club on the elbow.
- Smashers, on the other hand, possess a much more developed club and a more rudimentary spear (which is nevertheless quite sharp and still used in fights between their own kind); the club is used to bludgeon and smash their meals apart. The inner aspect of the dactyl (the terminal portion of the appendage) can also possess a sharp edge, with which the animal can cut prey while it swims.
Both types strike by rapidly unfolding and swinging their raptorial claws at the prey, and are capable of inflicting serious damage on victims significantly greater in size than themselves. In smashers, these two weapons are employed with blinding quickness, with an acceleration of 10,400 g and speeds of 23 m/s from a standing start. Because they strike so rapidly, they generate cavitation bubbles between the appendage and the striking surface. The collapse of these cavitation bubbles produce measurable forces on their prey in addition to the instantaneous forces of 1,500 N that are caused by the impact of the appendage against the striking surface, which means that the prey is hit twice by a single strike; first by the claw and then by the even bigger force from the collapsing cavitation bubbles that immediately follows. Even if the initial strike misses the prey, the resulting shock wave can be enough to kill or stun the prey.
The snap can also produce sonoluminescence from the collapsing bubble. This will produce a very small amount of light and high temperatures in the range of several thousand kelvin within the collapsing bubble, although both the light and high temperatures are too weak and short-lived to be detected without advanced scientific equipment.
Mantis shrimp appear to be highly intelligent, are long-lived and exhibit complex behavior, such as ritualized fighting. Scientists have discovered that some species use fluorescent patterns on their bodies for signaling with their own and maybe even other species, expanding their range of behavioral signals. They can learn and remember well, and are able to recognize individual neighbors with whom they frequently interact. They can recognize them by visual signs and even by individual smell. Many have developed a complex social behavior to defend their space from rivals. [link]![]()